Monday, January 14, 2013

Cover Your Assets! Asset Management & Tracking System Software

Cover Your Assets! is a system that is designed to automate Asset Management and Tracking functions of any organisation.

It is aimed at accurately capturing all data relating to Insurance, Movement History,
Purchase, Service Contract(s), Valuation, Vendor Information and Warranty Information as illustrated below.

Using Cover Your Assets! Software allows the users to have clear and accurate information about all the assets in the organisation at their fingertips, ready, available and easily to disseminate as required.

The system covers- but is no limited- to the following:

Asset Details
Here all the main descriptive information about the asset such as the make,
model, serial number, quantity is included.
introduces the item and its classification in the various user-defined categories,
and its current location.

Here the Cover Your Assets! System not only gives the user the insurance
details of each item but is also use tissue alerts for when the insurance policies
that cover a certain asset fall due for payment. By giving all the insurance
information necessary for this an asset it also ensures that insurance coverage
for the item is comprehensive and adequate.
Movement History
This module tracks the various offices or location that a certain (movable) asset
may have been at. It also I includes information about who in the organisation
ay have been responsible for the storage or use of a particular item and also
ensures that any laid down procedures on movement of assets are adhered to.
The Purchase module of Cover Your Assets! provides a simple guide to the
purchasing process, including details such as the quotation process, quotation
evaluation, steps in the vendor decision making process. Again this ensures
that whatever laid down company procedures for the purchase of assets are
followed. It also provides a an easy place to locate information such as delivery
schedules and can include scanned copies of adverts and purchase
Service Contract(s)
This module tracks any service contracts hat relate to an asset and includes
special alerts when the contracts are nearing their renewal dates and also
allows the user to make critical assessment of the usefulness (or not) of the
service contracts.
Cover Your Assets! Provides for various valuation methods, ensuring that the
organisation tracks not only the purchase price but also the depreciated price,
the replacement price and the book value of an asset, and ensures that the
right value is used for various decision-making process. Thus for example the
organisation is able to decide which is the most apt valuation (purchase price,
replacement price) is most appropriate for say insuring an asset. It also records
and tracks the depreciation of an item’s value for accounting purposes.
Vendor Information
Cover Your Assets! lets the user maintain adequate information about all the
vendors, including their service history, who their competitors are, the kind of
credit terms they offer and thus enables the organisation to rationally and in a
organised way, rate all their vendors.
This module ensures that the organisation makes the most of warranty terms
for any item. It also alerts the u
ensures that any service contracts required are entered into at the appropriate
time. Again this ensures that warranty requirements are included in the
procurement process.
In addition to these, Cover Your A
other information that the organisation would like to track in relation to their
assets and thus ensure smooth operations.
Cover Your Assets!
users when the warranty period expires and thus
Assets! can be configured to include any
has a user-friendly and catch yet easy to use
The key operational features of Cover Your Assets! include:
Tried and Tested Development Environment
Cover Your Assets! is designed and developed in a Rapid Application
Development environment that will incorporate a powerful Relational Database
Management System in the flexible, 4th Generation Language that produces
true native Windows EXE software. There is thus no great learning-curve
involved in users getting comfortable and at ease with using the software. It
has a user-friendly, fully menu-driven standard Windows Common User Access
(CUA) interface that is designed to enable ease of use for even the most noncomputer
oriented user.
Operating/Running Environment It will work on any Windows Environment
from Windows 3.x to Windows 2000, Windows XP and even Windows Vista.
The Cover Your Assets! system will also run on any PC that has a Pentium 1
or higher processor, 32MB RAM, Windows software and at least 5MB of free
hard disk space.
Multi-User Network Capability
Cover Your Assets! is optimized for Multi-user network operations.
Sophisticated record-locking conflict resolution mechanism will be included to
avoid multi-user problems. This means that many users can work
simultaneously with the system without encountering any problems. And since
Cover Your Assets! is developed fully by Pinnacle RD Systems as their
product, Pinnacle is able to issue as many user licences as a user may require,
depending on the nature and scope of their network and users.
Cover Your Assets! is exclusively available from the
Pinnacle Relational Database Systems
Vision Plaza , Mombasa Road, 1st Floor, No:22
P.O. Box 52544 00200 City Square Nairobi, Kenya
Tel/Fax:( +254-020)- 8026198
Mobile: 254-722-527571, 254-733-586114,254-729-583920,

Monday, November 2, 2009

Kenyan Ministry of Health Uses Mobile Technology

The Kenyan Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation’s Division of Vaccines and Immunization (DVI) is now able to monitor vaccine stocks at various district stores throughout the country using mobile technology. The system, known as HealthTrack!, which has been developed locally by Pinnacle Relational Database Systems ( enables district personnel to send data through their mobile phones by sending an SMS text message. The data are automatically updated on a server at the DVI, saving a lot of time and ensuring correctness of data collected. The system not only collects all the data but also analyzes it and is able to estimate the latest vaccine stocks at the different stores at any given time, based on previous consumption or distribution data as well as the latest stock information available to the system.

District level vaccine store managers send in their reports by sending a simple sms text message to the system that includes the district code, the month that the report is for, the antigen being reported on, the beginning balance, quantities received and issued and ending balance. If the report is done correctly the system responds with a confirmation message, letting the user know that the data have been correctly uploaded. The system also records the name and phone number of the sender and the date and time when the data were received.

By sending an SMS text message to the system, DVI Vaccine Managers are also able to know which district stores have reported, which ones haven’t, what the reporting rate is, what districts are out of stock in different vaccines and even the estimated total vaccine stocks available throughout the distribution system.

The system also allows the DVI to get in touch with all the vaccine management staff by sending them SMS text messages with new and emerging information about products, safety, storage tips and even information on training and meeting schedules.

According to the DVI “This system has made us more efficient and we have a better idea of what stocks are available where and we are able to ensure that they are efficiently and effectively used, reducing wastage and making our work much much easier”. One of the major strengths of the system is that it works with any type or model of phone and does not require smartphones or the latest mobile phone models, making it possible to set up and run immediately. The training required to use the system is also minimal – the hardest challenge so far has actually only been showing users how to enter the # key….

The System, which has been pilot-tested in Central and Nairobi provinces, is now set for deployment throughout the country.